Ένα κατάλληλο γεύμα για έναν βασιλιά (A Meal Fit For A King)

Upon my return home, to reclaim the kingdom that is rightfully mine, I expect there to be a feast, fit for a king. My beautiful wife Penelope, waiting on a satin pillow with grapes, surrounded by the essence of herbs and spices. Many sweets for days, soft and tender Baklava, with its flaky crust and its warm nectarous filling, drizzled with warm honey.  Pasteli, crunchy with its small sesame seeds drowned in hardend honey, with the earthy taste of crushed up walnuts.  Moustos, Moustos is made using the juice squeezed from fresh grapes, Petimezi, Portokalia me Meli……

Μια φιλία Σκύλοι (A dogs friendship)

"A Homeless man and his dog" http://openwalls.com Web. 15 April 2011

The best friend most people have is their dog on your dog for friendship you can depend
Than your ever devoted canine you cannot have a better friend
Your dog will never forsake you he or she will be your friend for life
A dog’s love you can rely on far more than the love of your wife,
There are so many stories of dog devotion risking their lives loved ones to save
When people they love are in danger dogs can be unbelievably brave
They’ve been known to save people from drowning and they’ve been known to save people from fire
They do not expect reward for their loyalty so much in them for to admire
Yet some do treat their dogs quite badly cruelty to animals is a serious crime
And perhaps for such an offence a good deterrent would be at least a year of jail time
Any dog is not born to be vicious ’tis their masters who make them this way
A cruel owners makes a dog dangerous that does seem a sad thing to say
Since dogs to us can be so loyal your dog to you can be your best friend
Your wife may decide for to leave you but your dog will stay with you till the end.

Francis Duggan


I think this poem describes Agro’s the best because it shows that a dogs loyalty will overcome anything. No matter what, humans are dogs’ best friends. And it shows that even through cruelty, dogs will love you no matter what. A man and dogs relationship can last through it all, like at the en d it says “Your wife may decide for to leave you but your dog will stay with you till the end,” is totally true, like in the Odyssey when Odysseus leaves for a long time, Argo’s waited, and waited just to have one last glimpse of his loving owner, then died in peace. It defiantly shows a dog’s character when they are that dedicated to their owner and their affection.

Λαμβάνοντας πίσω το βασίλειο (Taking Back The Kingdom)

Odysseus and the Suitors http://www.philipresheph.com. Web. 28 March 2011

     I think Odysseus should be tactical with his thinking, and he should try not to undermine the suitors. He should also pray alot to goddess Athena, she might help him with some sort of power. The suitors may be slobs, but most arent completly stupid. I think a good way to outsmart them would have been to poison their food. Like if Odysseus and the swineherd teamed up and poisoned on of the pigs with a berry rub, or boil the meat in a poison root sauce. Then after I’m sure hours of Gorging on food and drink, they start to feel the poison kick in. Slowly they weaken, till the point of cardiac arrest. Unable to protect themselves, Odysseus and Telemachus should storm into their home, assert themselves and shown those suitors who the alfa males really are. The suitors would be on the verge of dyeing, it would be more like putting them out of their misery. I mean Odysseus fought in troy, won, then went through a paralysis journey just to get home, you’d think he’d be down to do just about anything just to be home with his wife and son. And one symbol would be food in the odyssey. All that it seems the suitors do is sit around, mess around with the other younger maids, then decides to nothing all day but eat food, which could be a bad thing.

Μεγάλη Φιλοξενία (Great Hospitaltiy)

Greek Hospitality http://collectionsonline.lacma.org Web. 17, March 2011

     I, Odysseus, well-known for my bravery and my miraculous feats, skimming the surface of life and death expect to be treated as such when I’m visiting foreign lands. I want there to be clean robes, and fine silk linens awaiting my arrival. Upon surprise arrival I want haste to bring what I so desire.  I am a hero and I want to be treated with such honor.  I want young women to come and pamper my every whim. I want them to care for my wounds, and wash my body with the finest sea sponges. I also want a fairly large dinner consisting of at least one boar, the finest ripest fruits, and a cow leg. I also would want to drown myself in the finest earth blood that could be found. 

     When strangers come to visit Ithica, they would be treated as equals to my superiority. No man is unequal in possessions when they deserve it. I would treat my guests to the fattest boar on my land, along with finest cheeses, and endless waterfalls of wine. After that I would have my house maids’ beacon to every call. Men who pass through my land who deserve to be treated like kings will be treated like kings. If not, I will just them pass on without a second glance. I think some of the reason behind the way I portray hospitality, is Penelope. The suitors invaded my home, without my consent, and tried to take my wife! No woman in her right mind deserves to be treated like a piece of meat without a mere meaning in life. I don’t stand for disrespect, especially when it comes to my prized possessions. But if you’re a warily traveler, or soldiers at war, I wouldn’t have any problem sharing my hospitality.

Chapter 13 Quotes:
1.”Odysseus, having crassed the brazen threshold of my high-roofed house, you shall be aaided home with no more wanderings, be sure, long as you now have suffered. And this I say with earnestness to everybody here, yo you who in my hall drink of the elders’ sparkling wine and listen to the bard: you know that iin a polished chest lie garments for the stranger, with rich-wrought godl and all the other gifts which the Phaeacian councilors have brought him hither.” – Alcinous Pg. 123

2.”Soon would I do, dark-clouded one, all that you say, but that I ever dread and would avoid your wrath. Even now this shapely ship of the Phaeacians, returning home from pilotage upon the misty sea, I would destroy,-that they henceforth may hold aloof and cease to give men aid,-and I would throw a lofty mound about their city.” -Posiden Pg. 125

Chapter 14 Quotes:

1.”Old man, my dogs had nearly torn you to pieces here all of a sudden, and you would have brought reproach on me. Ah well! The gods have given me other greifs and sorrows; for over my matcchless master I sit and sigh and groan, and tend fat hogs for other men to eat; of men of alien speech,-if he still lives and sees the sunsine. But follow me, old man, into the lodge; so that you too, when satisfied with food and drink, may tell where you are come from and what troubles you have borne.”-Swineherd Pg.133

2.”Fetch me the best hog hither, to slaughter for the stranger who comes from far away. We too will have some cheer, who for a long times now have plagued ourselves over the white-toothed swine. Others devour our labor and make us no amends.”-Swineherd Pg.139

Chapter 15 Quotes:

1.”I shall not thrust you forth fromjt he trim ship agains your will. Nay, follow! In our land you shall receive what we can give.”-Telemachus Pg.147

2.”Sail the black-hulled ship, my men, straight to the town; I go to the fields and herdsmen. At evnin, after looking at the farm, I too will come to town. To-morrow I will make you payment for your boyage by a bounteous feast of meat and pleasant wine.”-Telemachus Pg.151

Acrostic Poetry








Passion Flowing through her veins

Enchantment flood the suitors

Nimble as a stork

Eye-Catching beauty to euphoric to ignore

Luminous eyes that search the seas

Open arms await Odysseus

Privileges she once had lost

Endearing pain while waiting patiently

Ήρθα, είδα, μου Κατακτημένα (I came, I saw, I Conquered)

Telemachos And Penelope. http://myweb.unomaha.edu. Web. Febuary 16, 2011

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