Μια φιλία Σκύλοι (A dogs friendship)

"A Homeless man and his dog" http://openwalls.com Web. 15 April 2011

The best friend most people have is their dog on your dog for friendship you can depend
Than your ever devoted canine you cannot have a better friend
Your dog will never forsake you he or she will be your friend for life
A dog’s love you can rely on far more than the love of your wife,
There are so many stories of dog devotion risking their lives loved ones to save
When people they love are in danger dogs can be unbelievably brave
They’ve been known to save people from drowning and they’ve been known to save people from fire
They do not expect reward for their loyalty so much in them for to admire
Yet some do treat their dogs quite badly cruelty to animals is a serious crime
And perhaps for such an offence a good deterrent would be at least a year of jail time
Any dog is not born to be vicious ’tis their masters who make them this way
A cruel owners makes a dog dangerous that does seem a sad thing to say
Since dogs to us can be so loyal your dog to you can be your best friend
Your wife may decide for to leave you but your dog will stay with you till the end.

Francis Duggan


I think this poem describes Agro’s the best because it shows that a dogs loyalty will overcome anything. No matter what, humans are dogs’ best friends. And it shows that even through cruelty, dogs will love you no matter what. A man and dogs relationship can last through it all, like at the en d it says “Your wife may decide for to leave you but your dog will stay with you till the end,” is totally true, like in the Odyssey when Odysseus leaves for a long time, Argo’s waited, and waited just to have one last glimpse of his loving owner, then died in peace. It defiantly shows a dog’s character when they are that dedicated to their owner and their affection.

One response to this post.

  1. I really like that you put part of your title into Greek I haven’t seen that in any of the other blogs. Really good choice of poem it sings the praises of a dog incredibly well. “Your dog will never forsake you he or she will be your friend for life” is my favorite line out of this.


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